青海大部分牧区地处海拔30 0 0m以上,其中部分牧区人类定居点在海拔4 0 0 0m以上,道路在海拔4 0 0 0m以上的节段也较多(如唐古拉山公路的最高点在5 5 0 0m ) ,随着海拔高度的增加而空气中含氧量和氧分压下降,因此从低海拔地区急进高海拔地区,特别是急进4 0 0 0m以上的高海拔地
Most of pastoral areas in Qinghai are located at an altitude of 300m above sea level. Some of the pastoral areas in some pastoral areas are above 400m above sea level with more sections at an altitude of 4000m (for example, the highest point of Tanggula Mountain Highway is at 5 500m). With the increase of altitude, the oxygen content in the air and the partial pressure of oxygen decreased. Therefore, from the low elevation area to the high altitude area, especially the high altitude above 400m