
来源 :环境保护 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shangdianxitongguanl
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Background: Percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty (PBPV) is the preferred therapy for pulmonary valve stenosis (PVS). This study retrospectively reviewed
Background: Pulmonary stenosis is common in children with complex congenital heart diseases. Proper management of this problem, especially postoperatively, is s
1999年 1 2月 1 6日 ,位于湖北宜都市境内的清江梯级开发的第二个骨干工程——高坝洲水电站 1号机首次并网成功。 1 2月 2 0日 ,装机容量为 3× 8.4万 k W的高坝洲水电站 1号
Background: Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) with aortic arch hypoplasia (AAH) is a relatively common congenital heart disease in clinical practice. Nonetheless,
Background: Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) is the least common cardiomyopathy in which the walls are rigid and the heart is restricted from stretching and fil
[案例来源]环境保护部环境监察局rn[案例提供单位]乌鲁木齐市环保局rn[案例类型]探索类rn[案例名称]饮用水水源地污染事件怎么处理?rn[案例点评人]景跃军 李元rn[主要违法行
根据小关子电站地下厂房开挖的五大特点 ,精心制定施工技术措施 ,严格施工管理 ,在安全、优质的基础上 ,开挖工期比原计划提前 75d,达到了快速施工的目的 According to the
Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) genital infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in China and the US. The morbidity of Ct genital infection in
介绍了小关子电站压力钢管 1号月牙形内加强肋岔管主岔管计算机辅助工艺设计、锥体卷制、组装焊接及起重运输安装的具体实践 ,为同类型岔管的制作安装提供了实际经验。 This