18、实行专业技术职务聘任制的工作程序有哪些要求? 答:分六个阶段进行:(1).准备阶段,(2).动员学习阶段,(3).个人申报专业技术职务阶段,(4).考核评审阶段,(5).检查验收阶段,(6).聘任、(任命)阶段。 19.对个人申报专业技术职务时有何要求? 答:有三个方面的要求: (1).首先组织专业人员学习中央和省里有关文件精神,明确职改工作的目的、意义,了解有关方针政策。专业技术人员根据任职条件和岗位职责要求,对照个人的条件,实事求是的申报相应的专业技术职务,并提出书面申请,经审查,符合申报条
18, the implementation of professional and technical appointment system of work procedures What are the requirements? Answer: divided into six stages: (1) preparation stage, (2) mobilization learning phase, (3) individual declaration of professional and technical positions, ( 4). Assessment review stage, (5). Inspection and acceptance stage, (6). Appointment, (appointment) stage. A: There are three requirements: (1) .First, professionals should be organized to study the spirit of the relevant documents in the central government and the province, to clarify the purpose and significance of the reform and to understand the relevant guidelines policy. Professional and technical personnel according to the terms and conditions of post responsibilities and job requirements, the control of individual conditions, seek truth from facts, the corresponding professional and technical positions and make a written application, after review, in line with the declaration