Hans Ulrich Obrist(以下简称“H”):今天,我想从你心中的英雄——那些影响你的人开始这段采访。当我访问许多年轻艺术家的时候,他们都说你是他们的老师。你是中国许多重要艺术家的老师,而我想问,谁是你的老师?余友涵(以下简称“余”):我通常喜欢国外的艺术家,最早是印象派,再是后印象派、马蒂斯、毕加索,再到美国的抽象表现主义。然后再回到中国,我才发现中国有许多好艺术家,特别是古代。这个是大的(概念),如果你问的是我个人的老师,没有可以称得上是老师的人。H:许多前卫艺术家都是由80年代开始,但你似乎开始得更早。是不是70年代就开始做一些?余:我现在保留有73年的作品,73年的画中带有一点表现主义,一个女孩的头像。但并非一直是
Hans Ulrich Obrist: Today, I want to start the interview with the people in your heart - those who influence you. When I visited many young artists, they all said you were their teacher. You are a teacher of many important Chinese artists, and I would like to ask, who is your teacher? Yu Youhan: I usually like foreign artists, the earliest impressionists, then the post-Impressionists, Matisse , Picasso, to American abstract expressionism. Then I came back to China and I noticed that there were many good artists in China, especially the ancient ones. This is a big (concept) if you ask is my personal teacher, there is no one who can be regarded as a teacher. H: Many avant-garde artists started in the 1980s, but you seem to start earlier. Did you start doing something in the 1970s? I: I now have 73 years of work, 73 years with a little expressionism and a girl’s head. But not always