目的探讨倾斜试验中发生心脏停搏的抢救及护理经验。方法对24例患者试验前做好心理护理,备好各项急救物品和药品;试验中严密监测患者的心率、血压、意识等,出现心脏停搏立即胸外心脏按压及放平倾斜床,并实施相关药物治疗;试验后病情稳定才离开检查室。结果 24例患者无一人发生严重并发症,顺利完成检查。结论护理人员做好心理护理,密切观察病情,及时配合医生进行抢救,是患者安全的重要保障。
Objective To investigate the rescue and nursing experience of cardiac arrest in tilt test. Methods Twenty-four patients were mentally nursed before the test and prepared various first-aid items and medicines. The heart rate, blood pressure and consciousness of the patients were closely monitored in the trial. Immediate chest compression and flat tilt beds occurred during cardiac arrest. The implementation of relevant drug treatment; stable condition before leaving the examination room after the test. Results None of the 24 patients had serious complications and successfully completed the examination. Conclusion Nursing staff to do a good job psychological care, close observation of the disease, timely rescue with the doctor, is an important guarantee for patient safety.