After the end of the Cold War, the economy became the main battlefield for international relations affairs. The competition between technology and the market has intensified. Whoever has high technology will be able to produce high-quality products, and whoever has the market. Driven by economic interests, the allies of the Cold War period have sometimes turned into rivals that do not give way to each other. From the extensive media coverage, it can be seen that the Western countries’ competition for industrial and scientific intelligence has become increasingly fierce, and the battle for economic intelligence has intensified. Shortly before the conflict between France and the United States, the famous French Boolean computer company and the Texas Instruments Corporation of the United States had a judicial dispute over patent rights. The lawsuits were difficult to file, but the fierce competition for economic intelligence between the two countries was once again exposed. Boolean accuses the Texas company of misappropriating a microprocessing technology it registered in 1983 that required millions of dollars in compensation; the United States claimed that the technology was based on an invention of its own company. The Americans not only refused to accuse and in turn sued the French to secretly enter the company and illegally obtained the invention.