围猎秘笈 太平洋战争中的美军潜艇使用

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随着科学技术的进步,20世纪初在世界海军装备序列中出现了作战潜艇。1914年9月22日,德国U-9号潜艇在1小时内连续击沉了英军3艘12000吨级的装甲巡洋舰,这个骄人的战绩让世界为之震惊。这之后,德国潜艇四面出击,沉重打击了盟军的海上交通线,以击沉1300多万吨商船和192艘军舰的赫赫战绩,证明了自己是一种非常有效的进攻武器。不过当时的美国海军对此反应迟钝,虽然美国已有不少人认识到潜艇在破交、侦察和反舰作战中的巨大作用,但在马汉制海权理论影响下,潜艇在二战以前在美国海军战略中并没有占据重要位置,装备的潜艇也是强调打击敌方作战舰艇,而不是敌方的商船。这是因为马汉虽然十分强调海上交通线的作用,但他对潜艇在海上破交战中可能具有的重要性认识不足。尊崇马汉理论的英国在1917年几乎被德国无限制潜艇战的绞索勒死,但美国海军并来从中吸取多少教训,在二战前美国海军的学术研究中,对潜艇在破坏海上交通线方面的研究几乎一直是个空白。然而,太平洋战争一开始,美国海军潜艇却成为与日本海军作战的主要兵力,这是因为其战列舰在珍珠港事件中非沉即伤,剩下能用的也就是潜艇了。但是由于技战术运用以及指挥上的诸多原因,加之太平洋海区辽阔,美军潜艇出动后有一半时间要用在航渡上,因此初期作战的效果不大。尽管如此,在太平洋战争初期美军士气尚未恢复、战斗力尚未重新形成的情况下,潜艇的作战仍具有非常重大的意义。正像尼米兹所说:“我们永远不会忘记,当我们的舰队遭到损失需要取代和修复时,是潜艇在和敌人进行卓绝的斗争。”到战争中期以后,善于总结经验教训的美国人调整了潜艇战略,加之大量新型潜艇的快速入役,太平洋由此成为美军潜艇的绝好围猎场。据统计,美军在太平洋战场上参战的潜艇总数为254艘,战争期间损失52艘,共击沉日本驱逐舰以上大中型水面舰艇160余艘、商船1178艘(总吨位5053491吨),即平均每损失1艘潜艇,就可击沉3艘日舰和97000吨商船。这个战绩异常惊人,超过了曾令盟军闻之色变的德国潜艇部队。本文主要讲述美军潜艇部队在二战中的战术运用特点,这尽管已经时隔60余年,但对于今天的潜艇作战仍有重要的借鉴意义。 As science and technology progressed, combat submarines emerged in the world naval armament in the early 20th century. September 22, 1914, the German U-9 submarine within 1 hour successively sank the British 3 12,000-ton armored cruiser, the impressive record shocked the world. Since then, the German submarine has been attacked all-around and has dealt a heavy blow to the Allied maritime traffic to soothe the impressive record of more than 13 million tons of merchant ships and 192 warships, proving itself to be a very effective offensive weapon. However, the United States Navy at the time was unresponsive to this. Although many people in the United States have realized the great role of submarines in breaking off, reconnaissance and anti-ship operations, under the influence of the Mahan sea power theory, Strategic and did not occupy an important position, equipped submarines also emphasize the fight against enemy ships, rather than the enemy’s merchant. This is because Mahan, while stressing the role of the maritime traffic line, is not aware of the possible importance that the submarine may have in breaking the sea. Britain, which respected the theory of Mahan, was almost completely strangled by the German unrestricted submarine war in 1917. However, the U.S. Navy came to learn much from it. In the academic research conducted by the U.S. Navy before the Second World War, the submarine’s influence on destroying maritime traffic lines Research has almost always been a blank. However, at the very outset of the Pacific War, the U.S. naval submarine became the main force fighting the Japanese navy because its battleship was inflicted on the Pearl Harbor and the remaining usable was the submarine. However, due to the use of technology and tactics and many reasons commanders, combined with the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, half of the time the U.S. submarines are dispatched to sail on the ferry, the effect of initial operations is not significant. In spite of this, in the early days of the Pacific War, the morale of the U.S. military has not yet been restored and combat effectiveness has not yet been re-established. Submarine operations are still of great significance. As Nimitz said: “We will never forget that when our fleet suffered a loss to be replaced and repaired, the submarine fought an excellent war against the enemy.” "By the middle of the war, be good at summing up the lessons learned Of Americans adjusted submarine strategy, coupled with the rapid entry of a large number of new submarines, the Pacific Ocean became the perfect hunting ground for US submarines. According to statistics, the total number of submarines participating in the war in the Pacific was 254 and that the U.S. lost 52 ships during the war, sinking more than 160 large and medium-sized surface ships above Japan’s destroyer and 1178 merchant ships (505,391 tons of gross tonnage), ie, an average of every loss A submarine can sink 3 Japanese ships and 97,000 tons of merchant ships. This record is unusually staggering, surpassing the German submarine force that had caused allied forces to smell the color change. This article mainly talks about the tactical application of the US submarine force in World War II. Although it has lasted more than 60 years, it still has important reference for today’s submarine operations.
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