Feuerbach’s philosophy is one of the important sources of Marxist philosophy. Feuerbach’s concept of “class” is the theoretical intermediary of Marx’s concept of “social”. Feuerbach tried to reconstruct the idea of “Trinity” in the Christian doctrine and thus formed the conceptual system of “category” based on the relationship between “I” and “You”. In Feuerbach, the “class” refers, on the one hand, to the essential attributes of human beings and, on the other, to the collection of all other individuals outside of “I”. From the texts “On the Jewish Question” and “The Paris Manuscript”, it can be seen that Marx was greatly influenced by Feuerbach’s thought of “class” in the early days, but Marx started to use The concept of “social” supersedes the notion of “class”. The fundamental difference between Marx’s concept of “society ” and Feuerbach’s “class ” lies in the fact that the two are different in principle, meanwhile, Marx’s “social ”Concept of two dimensions. It is from the concept of “society ” that Marx has realized the transcendence of Feuerbach ’s concept of “class ”, thus realizing the change to the new philosophy.