A series of naphthalimide azoles: Design, synthesis and bioactive evaluation as potential antimicrob

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sammi696
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A series of naphthalimide azoles as potential antibacterial and antifungal agents were conveniently and efficiently synthesized starting from commercially available 6-bromobenzo[de]isochromene-1,3-dione. All the new compounds were characterized by NMR, IR, MS and HRMS spectra. Their antimicrobial activities were evaluated against four Gram-positive bacteria, four Gram-negative bacteria and two fungi using two-fold serial dilution technique. The biological assay indicated that most of the prepared compounds exhibited inhibition to the tested strains. In particular, the triazolium derivatives not only gave higher efficacy than their corresponding precursory azoles, but also demonstrated comparable or even better potency than the reference drugs Chloromycin, Orbifloxacin and Fluconazole. Some factors including structural fragments, pH and ClogP values of the target molecules were also preliminarily discussed. A series of naphthalimide azoles as potential antibacterial and antifungal agents were conveniently and efficiently synthesized starting from commercially available 6-bromobenzo [de] isochromene-1, 3-dione. All the new body of reactant was analyzed by NMR, IR, MS and HRMS spectra. The antimicrobial activities were fractionated against four Gram-positive bacteria, four Gram-negative bacteria and two fungi using two-fold serial dilution technique. The biological assay showed that most of the prepared compounds showed inhibition to the tested strains. In particular, the triazolium derivatives not only gave higher efficacy than their corresponding precursory azoles, but also demonstrated comparable or even better potency than the reference drugs Chloromycin, Orbifloxacin and Fluconazole. Some factors including structural fragments, pH and ClogP values ​​of the target molecules were also preliminarily incorporated.
目的 探讨妊娠合并艾森曼格综合征的临床表现、诊断、妊娠结局与治疗方法. 方法回顾分析2例妊娠合并艾森曼格综合征患者的临床资料. 结果第1例患者孕34+4周临产入院,阴道分娩后即刻出现烦躁、呼吸急促、呼吸困难而死亡,临床考虑为肺栓塞.第2例患者因发现胎儿生长受限入院,口唇及甲床紫绀加重,于孕35+4周剖宫产,产后2周平安出院. 结论妊娠合并艾森曼格综合征母儿的结局不良,该患者不宜妊娠,婚后应采取避孕
(续上期 )( 2 )配备醒目统一的、高档、豪华、舒适、漂亮的旅游巴士。旅游巴士必须在色彩、图案等方面易于识别 ,能够吸引人的注意力 ,并为游客所喜爱。目前 ,运行于珠江三角
概述人类是个特殊的生物种类。自从她用直立的双腿走出原始丛林 ,与完全依靠大自然的恩赐而存活的其它动物类群相揖别后 ,她便不断强化着自己 ,完善着自己 ,并研究和总结着自