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蜂蜜已大量用于医药保健和食品行业。由于蜜来源广,色泽标准范围广,稠度大,人为掺假就有空可入。蜂蜜中掺入氮肥是我市近几年收购蜂蜜时发现的新情况,有大量蜂蜜因此而报毁,还有使用此蜜后的不良反应。例如,用掺尿素蜜制备大蜜丸,首先是炼蜜程度难控制,当炼蜜温度达118℃,蜜液仍是“挂旗”不起,再炼之,就有焦化现象;再则丸剂很难塑制,成丸的表面不油润、不光洁。因此,为了保证蜂蜜的质量,必须在收购使用蜜蜂前对可能掺有氮肥一项进行检验。蜂蜜中掺入的主要是尿素,还有硫酸铵、氯化铵和硝酸铵,检验方法主要是: Honey has been used extensively in the healthcare and food industries. Due to the wide source of honey, the wide range of color standards, the large consistency, there is room for adulteration. The incorporation of nitrogen fertilizer in honey is a new situation discovered by the city in recent years when it acquired honey. There are a large number of honey and therefore reported damage, as well as the use of this honey after the adverse reactions. For example, the use of urea honey mixed to prepare big honey pill, the first is difficult to control the degree of honey refining, when the honey refining temperature of 118 °C, honey is still “flag” can not afford, and then refining it, there is coking phenomenon; then the pill It is difficult to plasticize and the surface of the pellets is not oily or smooth. Therefore, in order to guarantee the quality of honey, it is necessary to inspect the possible addition of nitrogen fertilizer before purchasing bees. The main incorporation of honey is urea, as well as ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate. The main testing methods are:
制用法:紫油朴9克,研末过筛,每服3克,日三次。三岁以下小儿减半。治疗效果:获愈时间1~5天。2天以内治愈者17例,占68%;3~4天治愈者6 System Usage: Purple oil Park 9 grams, s
实验探讨了赭石在同一温度下,不同煅淬次数的炮制品中亚铁成分的含量变化。实验表明,煅淬的次数与亚铁含量成正比。 The experiment investigated the change of the conten
[病例393] 患者31岁,男。初诊于1971年7月中旬。病历:消瘦,脸色不好。主诉3年前下班回来途中,在电车上站立时双脚无力站不稳,身体摇摇晃晃而想坐下。无食欲,睡眠不好,易出汗
林荫银莲花Anemone,flaccida Fr.Schmidt为毛莨科植物林荫银莲花的根茎。民间常用于治风湿病。本文对其药理作用进行了实验观察,结果表明有明显解热镇痛作用。 1.林荫银莲花
药物组成:吴萸、细辛各10克,上肉桂2克。共研细末,外用。用法:上药用醋调,取蚕豆大小一粒敷于两足底涌泉穴,复盖纱布,以胶布固定。每日换药一次。 Drug composition: 10 gr