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随着户县经济社会的发展,各种矛盾处于多发期,一些不和谐因素显现,农村社会稳定问题已成为人们关注的一个焦点。全县重难点村有增无减,长期以来,这些村受各种因素影响,如宗族、派系矛盾激烈,干群关系紧张,党员宗旨意识淡薄,干部主心骨作用丧失等,村情不稳,民心涣散,信访案件时有发生,直接影响到村子乃至全县经济社会的发展。为此,我们利用一个月时间,先后深入到全县镇街、景区管理局对农村基层党组织工作开展情况,重点就软弱涣散村党组织情况进行了专题调研。现就调研情况报告如下。 With the economic and social development of Huxian County, various contradictions are in multiple periods, some discordant factors appear, and rural social stability has become a focus of attention. Over the years, these villages have been affected by various factors such as clashes and factional conflicts, tensions between cadres and masses, weak awareness of the purpose of Party members, loss of the backbone of cadres, etc. The situation in the villages is not stable Scattered, petition cases have occurred, a direct impact on the village and even the county’s economic and social development. To this end, we use a month’s time, one after another has been in-depth town of the town, scenic area management of rural grass-roots party organizations to carry out the work, focusing on weak and scattered village party conduct a special investigation. Now on the research report is as follows.