一个月色朦胧的夜晚,剧组到了歙县的拍摄外景地——渔梁的小街上。 在这里要拍严凤英惨遭流氓地痞谢三的蹂躏,《戏班子》里人人拼死去保护严凤英。开拍前,老天仿佛也为严凤英生前所历经的人世悲伤而沉闷,忽然间乌云蔽日,夜空里传出隐隐雷声。为抢在雷雨前拍完这段戏,各部门迅速准备就绪。导演喊声开始,一场厮拼在破烂的祠堂门内展开了。我所扮演的郑春霞被推落台阶跌坐在地,省黄梅剧团演员水从康扮演的班主丁积善、韩
A hazy night of the month, the crew arrived in Pixian shooting location - Yue Liang on the street. Here to take Yan Fengying trampled rogue humble thank three ravages, “drama team” desperate to protect Yan Fengying. Before the filming, God seems to have also been boring and dull for the death of Yan Fengying in his lifetime. Suddenly, there are dark clouds in the sky and faint thunder in the night sky. In order to grab the show before the thunderstorm, the various departments quickly ready. Director shout began, a fight in the tattered ancestral door opened. I played by Zheng Chunxia was pushed down the stairs or sitting on the ground, the province Huangmei theater actor Shui Kang from the class teacher Ding Jushan, Han