中国人口迅速老化的背后隐藏着深刻的人口问题,即我国老龄人口数量呈逐年上升趋势,支撑我国经济快速发展的人口红利逐渐式微,老龄人口的发展趋势预示着我国已经进入人口老龄化和少子化阶段。在少子化阶段探讨我国速度滑冰后备人才发展的应对策略具有重要的理论和现实意义。运用文献资料法、专家访谈法等研究方法对老龄化背景下我国速度滑冰后备人才发展的应对策略进行探讨。研究结果 :依靠人口红利得到快速发展的竞技速度滑冰发展将会受到严重制约,尤其是竞技速度滑冰后备人才发展将面临青少年人口总数的比例逐渐减少、青少年从事竞技速度滑冰的期望逐渐降低、青少年从事竞技速度滑冰的成材比例过低等困境。通过提升竞技速度滑冰青少年选材的科学化水平、重塑竞技体育的意识形态、加强运动员的文化教育、实现多元化人才培养模式等人才发展战略能有效保证竞技速度滑冰的可持续发展。
The rapid population aging in China hides a profound population problem. That is to say, the number of aging population in our country is increasing year by year. The demographic dividend that supports the rapid economic development in our country is gradually declining. The development trend of the aging population indicates that China has entered the age-old population and the minority population stage. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to explore the coping strategies of the development of the reserve talents in speed skating in the minority nationalization stage. Using the methods of literature review, expert interviews and other research methods, the strategies for the development of China’s speed skating reserve talents under the background of aging are discussed. The results show that the development of competitive speed skating developed rapidly by demographic dividend will be severely restricted, especially the development of competitive speed skating reserve personnel will face a gradual decrease in the proportion of young people, the expectation of young people in competitive speed skating will gradually decrease, Athletic speed skating finished low proportion of dilemmas. The strategy of talent development such as enhancing the scientific level of athletic skating youngsters, reshaping the ideology of athletic sports, strengthening the cultural education of athletes, and implementing diversified personnel training modes can effectively ensure the sustainable development of athletic speed skating.