EasyModel: A Refinement-Based Modeling and Verification Approach for Self-Adaptive Software

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxr_hu
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Self-adaptive software (SAS) is gaining popularity as it can reconfigure itself in response to the dynamic changes in the operational context or itself.However,early modeling and formal analysis of SAS systems becomes increasingly difficult,as the system scale and complexity is rapidly increasing.To tackle the modeling difficulty of SAS systems,we present a refinement-based modeling and verification approach called EasyModel.EasyModel integrates the intuitive Unified Modeling Language (UML) model with the stepwise refinement Event-B model.Concretely,EasyModel: 1) creates a UML profile called AdaptML that provides an explicit description of SAS characteristics,2) proposes a refinement modeling mechanism for SAS systems that can deal with system modeling complexity,3) offers a model transformation approach and bridges the gap between the design model and the formal model of SAS systems,and 4) provides an efficient way to verify and guarantee the correct behaviour of SAS systems.To validate EasyModel,we present an example application and a subject-based experiment.The results demonstrate that EasyModel can effectively reduce the modeling and formal verification difficulty of SAS systems,and can incorporate the intuitive merit of UML and the correct-by-construction merit of Event-B.
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