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我叫丁赟,是管线团唐古拉泵站四级军士长邱宏涛的妻子。关于卫国戍边,我想到的第一件事,就是2011年邱宏涛休假回家,一进门就对我说,老婆我送你一件礼物,一枚“卫国戍边金质纪念章”。邱宏涛告诉我,唐古拉海拔4860米,属一类艰苦地区,而他现在是在唐古拉泵站服役时间最长的老兵,整整15年,5000多个日子,一生之中最美好的年华。在我狭隘的理解中,“卫国戍边”的涵义,就是成千上万个像邱宏涛一样的高原军人,一茬接一茬前赴后继守在这片土地上!对于这片土地我是既陌生又熟悉,陌生的是我们认识十几年我只来过4次,熟悉的是这里的一草一木,一山一峰似乎都已 My name is Ding Yun, the wife of Qiu Hongtao, the fourth sergeant of the Tanggula pumping station in the pipeline. The first thing that I think about the defense of the guarding the country is that in 2011, Qiu Hongtao went home on leave and said to me as soon as he came in. My wife gave you a gift and a gold medal for the guarding the country. Qiu Hongtao told me that Tangula elevation of 4860 meters, is a difficult area, and now he is the oldest serving tanker at Tangula pumping station, a full 15 years, more than 5000 days, the best of his life. In my narrow understanding, the meaning of “guarding the country and guarding the frontier” means that thousands of plateau military personnel like Qiu Hongtao continued to keep on this land one after another. For this land, I am both Strange and familiar, strange is that we know more than a dozen years I have only been to 4 times, familiar here is a yard, a mountain peak seems to have
 人物档案:石昌庆,曾任天然气采气井长、站长、片长、 调度长,采气队副队长、队长,采输公司副经理,重庆鹿角湾基地副主任等职务,现任巴南公司经理。先后被评为石油川东开发公司劳
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We investigated the dynamic properties of a two-section composite chain of beads under vertical vibration.By analyzing the chain’s motion,including phase-shift
表妹是个衣着时尚、言行出位的时髦女郎,近来觅得一个如意男友,天天把谈恋爱当饭吃。  我们这些亲友团都认定她跟男友结婚是早晚的事,没想到两人却分了。  表妹百思不得其解地问我,如今的男人是不是都敢做不敢当?  原来,表妹跟男友浓情蜜意时上了床,一番缠绵之后,表妹半羞涩半恳切地问:“我从今往后就是你的人了,你要对我负责,咱们什么时候结婚?”男友支吾两句后夺门而逃,连手机都关了。表妹气急之下,提出了分手
自2002年年初以来,中国政府按照既定的时间表,在降低关税、清理法律法规、改革行政审批制度和提高透明度等方面认真履行加入世贸组织的承诺,并取得了明显进展。 在关税方面,