出生在美国田纳西州的投资家、慈善家约翰·邓普顿(JohnM.Templeton)爵士于2008年7月8日在他曾生活了数十年之久的巴哈马群岛的拿骚与世长辞,享年95岁。他在全球股市积聚了大量财富,先后出资数亿美元来培育人们对其提出的“精神实体”的理解。据邓普顿基金会发言人唐·莱尔(Don Lehr)称,他是因肺炎在拿骚的多克特思医院逝世的。
Sir John M. Templeton, a tenant investor and philanthropist born in Tennessee, died on the 8th of July 2008 at Nassau, the Bahamas, where he lived for decades, aged 95 . He has accumulated a great deal of wealth in global stock markets and has invested hundreds of millions of dollars to cultivate people’s understanding of the “spiritual entity” he has proposed. According to Don Lehr, a spokesman for the Templeton Foundation, he died of pneumonia at Doxtros Hospital in Nassau.