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随着全球多元文化格局的日趋明朗,如何推进中国文化“走出去”战略成为一项重大课题牵动着诸多文学创作者的心。作为中国文化的重要载体——文学作品的“走出去”之路始终步履维艰。但2012年莫言成功获取诺贝尔文学奖似乎成为一剂强心针,有力地拓展了我国文学在全球文学领域版图的位置,也带给了我国文学创作者更多动力与信心。本文从莫言作品翻译出发,探讨了其对于我国文学作品翻译所带来的启示,以期促进我国文学更好地“走出去”。 As the global multi-cultural landscape becomes clearer, how to promote Chinese culture “going global” has become a major issue that affects many literary creators. As an Important Carrier of Chinese Culture - The Way of “Going Out” of Literary Works Has Been Treading Difficulties. However, the successful acquisition of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012 by Mo Yan seems to have become a sting that has effectively expanded the position of Chinese literature in the field of global literature and brought more motivation and confidence to Chinese literary creators. This article starts from the translation of Mo Yan’s works, and explores its enlightenment on the translation of Chinese literary works in order to promote our country’s literature better.