档案编研工作的根本任务,就是大力开发档案信息资源,为社会主义现代化建设服务。 从我们利用编研作品为杨浦区经济建设和科技发展服务这一实践来看,编研工作必须有一个好的选题及典型材料,这是至关重要的,它决定了编研工作能不能为领导决策提供依据和为社会所利用,决定着对杨浦区经济建设和科技发展是否有明显实效和推动作用。
The fundamental task of the compilation and editing of archives is to vigorously develop archival information resources and serve the socialist modernization. From the fact that we make use of compiled works for the economic construction and technological development services in Yangpu District, we must have a good topic and typical materials for our research work. This is of crucial importance because it determines whether the research work can be done Provide the basis for leading decision-making and make use of it for the society, and determine whether there is a significant effect and promoting effect on the economic construction and technological development of Yangpu District.