比利时Newtec公司是卫星通信产品和解决方案供应商,产品包括DVB调制器、数字电视、射频分配网络、电视网络和IP宽带接入网等,在BIRTV2001展览会上,该公司与北京非凡朗天科技有限责任公司正式签署了合作伙伴协议,共同为中国客户提供优质的产品和服务。Newtec公司高级副总裁Anver Anderson(安华)先生接受了本刊记者的采访。
Newtec, Belgium, is a satellite communications products and solutions provider, including DVB modulators, digital television, radio frequency distribution networks, television networks and IP broadband access networks. At BIRTV2001, Limited Liability Company officially signed a partnership agreement to jointly provide Chinese customers with quality products and services. Anver Anderson, senior vice president of Newtec, interviewed our correspondents.