邓小平同志说 :“了解自己的历史很重要。青年人不了解这些历史 ,我们要用历史教育青年 ,教育人民。”“要懂得些中国历史 ,这是中国发展的一个精神动力。”江泽民同志也说 :“我国的历史 ,浩淼博大 ,蕴含着丰富的治国安邦的历史经验 ,也记载了先人们在追求社会进步中遭遇的种种曲折和苦痛。对这个历史宝库 ,我们应该运用历史唯物主义的观点不断加以发掘 ,在前人研究的基础上不断作出新的总结。”“党和国家的各级领导干部要注重学习中国历史” ,“这对于大家弄清楚我国历史的基本脉络和中华民族的发展历程 ,增强民族自尊心、自信心和奋发图强的精神 ,增强唯物史观 ,丰富治国经验 ,都是很有好处的。”现代的中国是从近代中国发展而来的。近代中国一些事件和人物的这样那样的影响延续至今。正因为如此 ,有关近代中国历史的不少问题 ,特别是关于近代中国革命和重要历史人物评价的问题 ,一直受到人们的注意和讨论。进行学术讨论以至争论 ,是很正常的事情。历史的经验表明 ,这种讨论和争论应该也只有建立在尊重史实和科学研究的基础之上 ,才能有益于分清是非、形成共识 ,有益于得到正确的结论和借鉴。江泽民同志在十五大报告中指出 :孙中山、毛泽东、邓小平 ,是二十世纪“三位站在时代前列的伟大人物”。同?
Comrade Deng Xiaoping said: “It is important to understand our own history. Young people do not understand these histories. We must educate the people with history and educate the people.” “To understand some of China’s history is a spiritual impetus for China’s development.” Comrade Jiang Zemin also Said: “The history of our country is vast and vast, contains rich historical experience of running the country and bringing prosperity to the country. It also records the twists and turns and the pain experienced by pioneers in the pursuit of social progress. For this historical treasure house, we should apply historical materialism And constantly make new conclusions on the basis of previous studies. ”“ The leading cadres at all levels in the Party and the state should pay attention to studying Chinese history, ”and“ this is the basic thread for making clear the history of our country and the Chinese nation It is all good for us to enhance our national self-esteem, self-confidence and efforts to strengthen our historical perspective and enrich the experience of running the country. ”Modern China developed from modern China. This kind of influence of some events and figures in modern China continues today. It is for this reason that many issues concerning the history of modern China, and especially the issues concerning the evaluation of modern Chinese revolution and important historical figures, have always been the subject of attention and discussion. It is normal for academic discussions to be debated. Historical experience shows that such discussions and debates should only be based on respect for historical facts and scientific research so as to be conducive to making a clear distinction between right and wrong, forming a consensus and benefiting from a correct conclusion and reference. In his report to the 15th National Congress, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping are the “three great people standing at the forefront of the times” in the twentieth century. with?