Prose is widely selected, free of writing, and the expression of thoughts and feelings is rich and colorful, so accurately grasping the theme of the article is one of the test points for reading prose. The main methods of grasping the theme of prose are: find the central sentence of the text and suggest words and keywords of the topic, summarize the theme of the article; extract the theme from the selected materials, the material is to serve the article center, we can see the article What kind of viewpoints, attitudes, and feelings are expressed by the selected materials, from which the author’s ideas to be expressed are found. Common question form: Directly summarize the full text or the subject of a paragraph or the author’s thoughts and feelings. The answer points: can use the original words and phrases, use as much as possible; when there are no original words and phrases available, attention should be paid to the accuracy and level of expression of the language, so as to be concise and not miss the answer point.