捷克著名制鞋专家Petr Hlavacek教授辞世

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四川大学客座教授,《皮革科学与工程》杂志外籍编委,捷克著名制鞋专家Petr Hlavacek教授于2014年1月10日因突发疾病,在捷克Zlin去世,享年63岁。Petr Hlavacek教授,生于1950年2月,生前就职于捷克Tomas Bata University,曾担任该校工学院院长、副院长。是世界著名的鞋类研究专家,捷克制鞋标准化委员会副主席,曾主持数十项 Prof. Petr Hlavacek, visiting professor at Sichuan University and editor in chief of Leather Science and Engineering Magazine, a famous Czech shoemaker, died in Zlin, Czech Republic on January 10, 2014 at the age of 63 due to a sudden illness. Professor Petr Hlavacek, born February 1950, worked for Tomas Bata University in the Czech Republic, where he served as dean and associate dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Is a world-renowned footwear research expert, the Czech shoe standardization committee vice chairman, has presided over dozens of