An Analysis of Love and Marriage in Modern China

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szhanyc
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The monthly magazine Chinese Women has hosted a discussion on “How would you spend your enriched days?” The discussion, which lasted seven months, focused on the situation of love and marriage in modern China. Dr. Zhou Guoping, a well-known philosopher, wrote a conclusion for the discussion. The monthly magazine Chinese Women has hosted a discussion on “How would you spend your enriched days?” The discussion, which lasted seven months, focused on the situation of love and marriage in modern China. Dr. Zhou Guoping, a well- known philosopher, wrote a conclusion for the discussion.
最近几年来 ,我县中小学校园暴力事件频频发生 :学生利用暴力打架斗殴、敲诈勒索、抢劫越货、绑架杀人 ,不时成为人们街头巷尾谈论的话题 ,社会各界关注的焦点。因此 ,探索校
一元一次方程应用题的类型有很多。下面请大家看几种比较特殊的类型。  一、特殊设元型  1.求整体,设部分。  例1 有一个八位的电话号码,前四位数字完全相同,从第四位到第八位是依次减小的连续自然数,全部数字之和恰好等于号码的最后两位数字组成的两位数(两位数字的前后顺序不变),请写出这个电话号码。  分析:前四位数字完全相同,且它们与后四位数字有联系,因此可将前四位数字设出来,这样便于列方程求解。