中国道家有言:“万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和。”也就是说,万物皆含阴阳二气,并在阴阳二气的互相激荡中形成新的和谐体。无独有偶,这种“阴阳相生”的观点在以色列极简主义插画家Noma Bar的作品中也有所体现。在命名为“反向空间”的艺术插画作品系列中,Noma Bar将简明的图形与反向空间概念相结合,不仅呈现出了灵动的视觉美感,也在画面中蕴藏着令人深省的独特含义。
Chinese Taoists have a saying: “Everything is negative and embracing yang, infuriating and thinking.” In other words, everything contains yin and yang, and yin and yang of mutual turmoil in the formation of a new harmonious body. Coincidentally, this notion of “yin and yang” is also reflected in the work of Israeli minimalist illustrator Noma Bar. In a line of art illustrated works entitled “Reverse Space ”, Noma Bar combines a concise graphic with an inverse space concept that not only presents a visually appealing sensibility, but is also revealing in the picture Unique meaning.