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在“成人”与“成材”当中,居第一位的应该是“成人”。如果一个人见到老师不知道问好,见到长辈不知道尊敬,对处于困境的人们熟视无睹,对国家、集体荣誉毫不在乎等,无论如何是不能称其为“人才”的。 Among the “adults” and “the merits”, the number one should be “adult”. If a person sees the teacher does not know to say hello, see the elders do not know the respect, turn a blind eye to the people in difficulty, do not care about the country, the collective honor, etc., in any case can not be called “talent”.
半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther,A.1873)、隶属鲽形目(Pleuronectiformes)、舌鳎科(Cynoglossidae)、舌鳎亚科(Cynoglossinae)、舌鳎属(Cynoglossus)、三线舌鳎亚属(Arel