日本东京电力公司与压缩和制造商前川制作所合作,最近研制成功了供产业用的高温热泵。目前所用的压缩式热泵中,能使工厂的废热提高到较高温度,所获得的热量温度仅110℃。由于采用了耐高温的制冷剂和润滑油,目前在世界上首次获得130℃的热量输出。 随着热泵输出温度的提高,使用的范围也相应扩大,如可用于石油化学、食品、纸和纸浆等工业。
Japan’s Tokyo Electric Power Company and the compression and manufacturers Qianchuan Institute of cooperation, recently developed a successful high-temperature heat pump for industrial use. The currently used compression heat pump, the factory waste heat can be raised to a higher temperature, the heat obtained by the temperature is only 110 ℃. Due to the use of high temperature refrigerant and lubricating oil, for the first time in the world to obtain 130 ℃ heat output. As the heat pump output temperature increases, the use of the scope of the corresponding expansion, such as can be used for petrochemicals, food, paper and pulp industries.