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目的:探讨乳腺癌超声分型与病理组织学分型的关系及其临床意义。方法:收集我院收治的100例乳腺癌患者,对所有患者的病理组织学分型以及彩色多普勒超声图像分型进行收集,在收集完成后比较两组患者的病理诊断的符合情况以及相关特点。结果:通过本次研究我们发现,所有患者中共能够发现局灶性的病变100例,在符合率方面,超声分型和病理诊断的符合率为98%团块型患者为70例,病理诊断为浸润性癌患者为98例,占所有患者的98%,早期出现浸润癌患者2例,Ⅱ型即结节型患者为18例,病理诊断为浸润癌的患者为15例,超声诊断和病理诊断的符合率为8%。Ⅲ型即到惯性的患者为10例,超声诊断和病理诊断的符合率为50%。在本次研究中所有患者的病理分型以及超声诊断之间的诊断符合率比较有显著性的差异,有统计学意义。结论:在临床对于乳腺癌患者进行诊断的过程中,乳腺癌患者的病理分型以及超声分型之间有着极为密切的关系,同时在此过程中,对于乳腺癌患者进行超声诊断的重要征象就是微小钙化灶。 Objective: To investigate the relationship between breast cancer ultrasound typing and histopathological classification and its clinical significance. Methods: A total of 100 breast cancer patients admitted to our hospital were enrolled in this study. The histopathological types and color Doppler echocardiography of all patients were collected. After the completion of the collection, the pathological diagnosis of the two groups were compared and the related characteristics . Results: Through this study, we found that 100 cases of focal lesions were found in all the patients. The coincidence rates of ultrasound typing and pathological diagnosis were 98% in mass group, 70 cases in pathological diagnosis There were 98 cases of invasive carcinoma, accounting for 98% of all cases. There were 2 cases of invasive carcinoma in the early stage, 18 cases of type Ⅱ nodules and 15 cases of invasive carcinoma. Ultrasound and pathological diagnosis The coincidence rate was 8%. Type III to the inertia of patients in 10 cases, ultrasound diagnosis and pathological diagnosis of compliance rate was 50%. In this study, the pathological classification of all patients and the diagnosis of ultrasound diagnostic accuracy between the more significant differences were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: There is a very close relationship between the pathological typing of breast cancer patients and sonography in the clinical diagnosis of breast cancer patients. At the same time, an important sign of ultrasound diagnosis of breast cancer patients in this process is Small calcification.
由于医疗检查手段的进步和广泛应用,“血管瘤”一词逐步被大家所熟悉。比如做B超检查时,发现肝里有个血管瘤;做CT检查时,发现脖子里有个血管瘤;做核磁检查时,发现脑子里有个血管瘤等等。  当你一听到医生说你身体里有个“血管瘤”时,立刻就紧张起来、不安起来、苦恼起来。因为,可能你听说了周围的人群里有过“血管瘤突然出血而亡”的事件发生过。其实,了解了血管瘤的基本知识,知道如何对待,血管瘤也就不可怕了。  
普通毒药都和剂量成正比关系,剂量越大毒性越大,但有些毒药反其道而行之,只需很小的剂量就能产生很大的毒性。  最近闹得沸沸扬扬的某白酒品牌塑化剂超标事件让大家记住了DEHP这个化学名词,这是邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己)酯的缩写,它能够增加塑料制品的柔软性,所以又叫增塑剂。这玩意的急性毒性并不大,给大鼠腹腔注射2克以上的DEHP才会致死,但它能够模仿雌激素,在小剂量的情况下就能引起很多严重后果,包括导致