8月23日晚,黄广朝的儿子黄国飞给记者打来电话,电话里的声音焦急而急促:16户村民手持刀斧恶劣地围攻他家,用石头砸他家的门窗。而他本人在宁明县城,家中的老婆、孩子惊慌失措,紧闭着大门蜷缩在房屋一角听天由命,任围攻者为所欲为。 8月25日晚8时许,黄国飞又给记者打来电话,几乎是向记者求救:16户村民手持刀斧再次恶劣地围攻他家,他家
On the night of August 23rd, Huang Guofei’s son Huang Guofei made a phone call to the reporter. The voice on the phone was in an urgent and urgent way. Sixteen villagers attacked his home with a knife and ax and smashed his doors and windows with stones. And he himself in Ningming County, the family’s wife, children panicked, tightly closed the door curled up in the corner of the house to heaven, let the besieged do whatever they want. 8 o’clock on the evening of August 25, Huang Guofei again called to reporters, almost to press for help: 16 villagers armed with ax again badly besieged his home, his home