Automobile Is Part of Us in the U.S.
It could be argued that since the development of agriculture about 12,000 years ago, the two inventions which have had the most profound[深远的] effect on the way we live have been the electric light and the automobile. The electric light made it possible to erase[抹去] the boundary[边界] between day and night. The automobile expanded[扩张] our geographic boundaries and allowed us to go where we want and live where we want.
We reserve[保存] an emotion[感情] for the car we do not have for other machines, not with refrigerators, or airplanes or even computers. The car has been venerated[尊敬] as an object of affection[感情], excitement, even love.
Think for a moment about the world of 100 years ago. Travel was slow and difficult. A trip to anywhere was a major[较大的] undertaking[事业]. Most roads were just gravel[砾石] or dirt[尘土]. Cities, usually built on streams or lakes or rail lines were compact[狭小的] and congested[拥挤的]. Now the roads were quickly transformed by the car into urban complexes[综合设施]. Buildings have been razed[夷平] and farmland paved over to provide parking[停车场] for the 300 million vehicles in the United States.
And along those roads are motels (motor hotels), fast food restaurants, shopping malls, drive in movies, drive in banks, drive in florists[花店], even drive in funeral homes[殡仪馆]. Depending on whose figures you accept, one in six or one in seven working Americans are engaged in the building, selling or maintenance[维修] of motor vehicles.
The automobile is, like no other machine, part of us.
Grandpa’s world is gone, changed beyond recall[回忆]. If you are now in middle age, there is a good chancethat your grandparents were born before the automobile worked its enormous[巨大的] change on American life. In about three generations electrical power, the telephone, radio, TV, airplanes, computers, even space travel, have changed the way we live beyond recognition[认识]. But no invention has changed our day to day life quite so much as the automobile.
Grandpa can remember when the world was a lot different.