Cubature Kalman filters: Derivation and extension

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lostlovestefan
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This paper focuses on the cubature Kalman filters(CKFs) for the nonlinear dynamic systems with additive process and measurement noise. As is well known, the heart of the CKF is the third-degree spherical–radial cubature rule which makes it possible to compute the integrals encountered in nonlinear filtering problems. However, the rule not only requires computing the integration over an n-dimensional spherical region, but also combines the spherical cubature rule with the radial rule, thereby making it difficult to construct higher-degree CKFs. Moreover, the cubature formula used to construct the CKF has some drawbacks in computation. To address these issues, we present a more general class of the CKFs, which completely abandons the spherical–radial cubature rule. It can be shown that the conventional CKF is a special case of the proposed algorithm. The paper also includes a fifth-degree extension of the CKF. Two target tracking problems are used to verify the proposed algorithm. The results of both experiments demonstrate that the higher-degree CKF outperforms the conventional nonlinear filters in terms of accuracy. This paper focuses on the cubature Kalman filters (CKFs) for the nonlinear dynamic systems with additive process and measurement noise. As is well known, the heart of the CK-is the third-degree spherical-radial cubature rule which makes it possible to compute the integrals encountered in nonlinear filtering problems. However, the rule not only requires computing the integration over an n-dimensional spherical region, but also combines the spherical cubature rule with the radial rule, so making it difficult to construct higher-degree CKFs. Moreover, the cubature formula used to construct the CKF has some drawbacks in computation. To address these issues, we present a more general class of the CKFs, which completely abandons the spherical-radial cubature rule. It can be shown that the conventional CKF is a special case of the proposed algorithm. The paper also includes a fifth-degree extension of the CKF. Two target tracking problems are used to verify the proposed algorithm. Th e results of both experiments demonstrate that the higher-degree CKF outperforms the conventional nonlinear filters in terms of accuracy.
摘 要:顶岗实习是教学计划中的一个有机组成部分,是职业教育实践教学体系中不可缺少的重要环节, 是完成专业培养目标的最后一个重要实践性教学环节,在人才培养过程中起着不可替代的重要作用。本文浅析了中职生顶岗实习的意义、目前“2.5 0.5”学制下中职生顶岗实习中存在的问题以及阐述了提高顶岗实习教学质量的策略。  关键词:“2.5 0.5”学制;中职生;顶岗实习;策略  中图分类号:G712 文献标识码
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