Female patient, 33 years old. April 15, 1996 due to upper respiratory tract infection in the conventional gluteal muscle routine injection of 0.6 grams of lincomycin, 5 minutes after the intramuscular injection of red, swollen, hot, itchy, no skin care, 2 hours after intramuscular injection Part of the tumor up to 14 × 12cm, 0.2 intravenous calcium gluconate 0.2, once daily, oral chlorpheniramine 8mg, 3 times a day, 3 days after the hips lump disappeared, the skin pigmentation, but the site of intramuscular injection of discomfort . Three months later, the top of the buttocks (intramuscular injection of lincomycin site) appeared a 8 × 8cm size of the skin depression, depression than normal skin about 0.5cm, umbilical depression was center, Bureau