Based on the combination of individual center network and subject whole network, this paper discusses the two-way influence of cooperation network and innovation performance, the influence of human capital on innovation performance and the influence of human capital on the cooperation network, and uses the network analysis and structural equation path to make empirical analysis . The results show that the structural characteristics of cooperative networks, ie network size, network strength, network heterogeneity and intermediary centrism, have a positive impact on cooperative innovation performance, but have a negative impact on degree centrism; Centering has a positive impact; qualifications of human capital attributes, professional and technical positions and academic leadership positions have a positive impact on cooperative innovation performance, but have a negative impact on working years; length of service, academic qualifications, professional and technical positions, academic leadership positions Positive impact on the network size, professional and technical positions, academic leadership negative impact on the degree of centralism, positive impact on network heterogeneity; cooperative innovation performance positive impact on non-cooperative innovation performance indirectly indicates that the existence of knowledge spillover effect under the premise of cooperative behavior .