
来源 :中国航天 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangfei0960
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11月3日20点43分,中国文昌航天发射场发出一声长啸,火光映红了天空。长征五号起飞引发的大地震动,传到数千米之外。随后,长征五号运载火箭与其托举的远征二号上面级成功分离,上面级继续将实践十七号卫星送往预定轨道。由中国航天科技集团公司抓总研制的长征五号运载火箭首次飞行任务取得圆满成功!长征五号作为我国运载火箭升级换代的里 At 20:43 on November 3, a blast of shouts and waves crept into the sky at the Wenchang space launch site in China. Earthquake triggered by the take-off of the Long March 5 spread to several kilometers. Subsequently, the Long March V carrier rocket and its lifted Expedition 2 top level successfully separated, the top level continue to practice No. 17 satellite orbit. The first mission of the launch vehicle of the Long March V piloted by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation was a complete success. The Long March 5, as the upgrade of China’s launch vehicle,