场地信息:预期功能:没有预期功能,但必须考虑到联合发展区(ZAC)的贸易办公室项目地址:Porte de Clichy街和Périphérique大道街角,ZAC Clichy-Batignolles所有权人:巴黎市政府地块面积:2 216m2限高:31m获奖团队:项目运营:Eurosic景观设计:城市农业、Association Espace、社会融合和城市生态历史与现状巴黎西面第17区的克里希-巴蒂尼奥勒是巴黎所剩不
Venue information: Expected functions: No expected function, but account must be taken of the Trade Office at ZAC Project address: Corner of Porte de Clichy and Périphérique Boulevard, ZAC Clichy-Batignolles Owner: City of Paris Lot size: 2 216m2 High Limit: 31m Winning Team: Project Operations: Eurosic Landscape Design: Urban Agriculture, Association Espace, Social Inclusion and Urban Ecology History and Status Clichy-Batignolles, in the 17th district west of Paris,