贾木纳河是孟加拉国的最大河流,是布拉马普特拉河下游进入孟加拉国境内的名称(布拉马普特拉河在中国境内的河段名为雅鲁藏布江)。它由北向南流,在戈阿隆多附近与恒河汇合,全长约240千米。贾木纳河周边的居民,多以渔业为主,辅以少量粮食种植,俗称“洼地居民”(char dwellers),这里四季皆湿热。屋前便是水、出门全靠船的景象是贾木纳河沿岸、岛屿上居民家庭的生活常态,他们常年逐河而居,早已适应了气候
The Jamuna River is the largest river in Bangladesh and is the name of the lower reaches of the Brahmaputra into Bangladesh (the Brahmaputra River in the Chinese territory is called the Brahmaputra). It flows from north to south and merges with the Ganges near Gualonda, covering a total length of about 240 kilometers. The inhabitants of the Jamuna River are predominantly fisheries, supplemented by small amounts of grain, commonly known as “char dwellers,” where all seasons are hot and humid. The front of the house is water. The sight of going full by the boat is the normal life of the family of residents on the banks of the Jamuna River. They have lived in rivers all the year round and have already adapted to the climate