上级领导和同志们: 今天我们中国电线电缆联合公司、中国电碳联合公司、中国电瓷公司、中国电焊条公司、中国分马力电机公司、中国电动工具公司联合召开成立大会,我代表中国电瓷公司及所属八厂一所,对六个公司的正式宣告成立,表示热烈地祝贺!对在百忙中抽空参加今天大会的上级领导和各单位的代表,表示衷心地感谢!感谢你们的大力支持和热情关怀。在中央关于对国民经济进一步调整的重大方针指导下,根据国务院(1980)172号文件“关于推动经济联合的暂行规定”,我们南京电瓷厂、西安高压电瓷厂、抚顺电瓷
Leaders and comrades at a higher level: Today, we jointly held the inaugural meeting of the China Wire & Cable Co., China Electric & Carbon United Corporation, China Electric Porcelain Corporation, China Welding Electrode Company, China Fractional Horsepower Motor Company, and China Electric Power Tool Company. The 8th factory and 1st branch of the company have expressed their warmest congratulations on the formal announcement of the six companies and expressed sincere thanks to the superior leaders and representatives of various units who took the time to participate in today’s conference. Thank you for your great support and enthusiasm. . Under the guidance of the Central Government’s major policy on further adjustments to the national economy, according to the State Council (1980) No. 172 Document “Provisional Regulations on Promoting Economic Integration”, we have Nanjing Electric Porcelain Factory, Xi’an High Voltage Electric Porcelain Factory, and Fushun Electric Porcelain.