Japan’s electronics industry has set a brilliant, Japan’s consumer electronics products is even more by virtue of its excellent quality, sophisticated appearance and advanced technology to become synonymous with “high-level products” in the minds of consumers. In fact, it is very hard for the world to find a market like Japan that likes new functions, pursues high quality and can afford high consumption. Faced with the ever-fierce competition in the global consumer electronics industry, Japanese manufacturers are sticking to the high-tech route and have been leading the global trend of consumer electronics products for many years. In the past month, many local Japanese companies launched a number of quite distinctive new products, many of which are similar to the Toshiba RD-A1 or Panasonic TH-103PZ600 from the conceptual products into the focus of marketable products Made for In this issue, we selected some of the characteristics of the election, so that the vast number of readers at home to see.