今年“世界水日”的主题是“水为发展服务”,表明联合国大会要使“世界水日”遵守1992年在巴西里约热内卢召开的环境和发展世界首脑会议的建议的决心。那次会议通过的《21世纪议程》,认识到淡水对社会和经济活动的重要作用,号召世界上水资源贫乏和恶化的地方对水资源进行综合一体化的规划和管理。此后各国进行了不懈努力,取得了积极效果。 我国是水资源短缺的国家,人均水资源量只有2200m~3,仅相当于世界人均占有量的1/4,预计到2030年,我国人口达到16亿峰值时,人均水资源量占有量仅为1700m~3,接近世界公认的缺水警戒线;亩均水资源1900m~3,相当世界亩均占有量的4/5。
The theme of this year’s “World Water Day” is “Water for Development,” which shows the determination of the United Nations General Assembly to make World Water Day comply with the recommendations of the 1992 World Summit on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Agenda 21 adopted at that conference, recognizing the important role of freshwater for social and economic activities, calls for the integrated planning and management of water resources in the world where water resources are poor and deteriorating. Since then, all countries have made unrelenting efforts and achieved positive results. China is a country with a shortage of water resources, with a per capita water resource of only 2200m 3, only 1/4 of the world average. It is estimated that by 2030, when the population of our country reaches 1.6 billion peaks, the amount of water resources per capita is only 1700m ~ 3, close to the world recognized a lack of water warning line; average water resources of 1900m ~ 3, equivalent to 4/5 of the world average amount of mu.