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目的:观察用硫普罗宁对肺结核患者由抗药物所致肝功能异常的防治作用。方法:118例结核患者在进行抗结核药物治疗的同时同步应用注射剂与片剂硫普罗宁6个月。结果:用药或6个月未出现肝功能损害100例,用药过程中出现肝功能异常、血清谷丙转氨酶(AST)异常者18例,继续用硫普罗宁后16例肝功能异常者肝功能复常,2例仍有ALT及AST增高,但均较稳定,无进行性增高趋势。结论:肺结核患者在使用抗结核药物的同时同步应用硫普罗宁可较好地保护肝细胞,明显改善肝功能,能有效防治抗结核药物所导致肝功能异常。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the preventive and therapeutic effects of tiopronin on patients with pulmonary tuberculosis by anti-drug-induced liver dysfunction. Methods: One hundred and eighty patients with tuberculosis were treated with antituberculosis drugs simultaneously with the injection of tiopronin for 6 months. Results: There were 100 cases of liver dysfunction after medication or 6 months. There were 18 cases of abnormal liver function and serum alanine aminotransferase (AST) in the course of medication. Sixteen cases of liver function abnormalities were treated with tiopronin Often, 2 cases still have ALT and AST increased, but were more stable, no progressive increase in the trend. CONCLUSIONS: Simultaneous application of tiopronin to tuberculosis patients during antituberculotic treatment can better protect liver cells, improve liver function, and prevent and treat liver dysfunction caused by antituberculosis drugs.
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