AFLP analysis of 60 high quality tomato inbred lines for genetic diversity analysis showed that 17 pairs of AFLP primer combinations amplified a total of 905 bands, of which 251 polymorphic bands, an average of about 15 pairs per primer detected Polymorphism loci, the average polymorphism rate was 27.7%; only two combinations of E7M4 and E7M10 primer can be drawn 60 tomato inbred lines fingerprinting. The Jaccard genetic similarity coefficients of 60 inbred lines ranged from 0.259 to 0.952 with an average of 0.664. Using UPGMA clustering method, genetic similarity coefficient ranged from 0.54 to 0.57, 60 tomato materials could be divided into seven groups. There was no significant correlation between clustering results and geographical origin, average fruit weight and fruit shape.