丙午改制,即光绪三十二年(1906年)清廷宣布预备立宪后的改订官制活动。在丙午改制中,袁世凯力主“责任内阁”方案,但遭到了清廷的否定。袁世凯的失败对以后的政局产生了深远的影响,其一是改制失败后袁权势大减,已埋下宣元遭斥的机缘,而清廷“排汉”政策也从此发端;其二袁的失败赢得了立宪派的同情,从而为宣末民初二者的“合作”打下了基础。本文试分三部分对这个问题略加阐述。 一 光绪三十二年七月六日,出使各国考察政治大臣戴鸿慈、端方奏请改订全国官制,以为立宪预备。而改订官制的第一条就是“宜略
Bingwu restructuring, that Guangxu thirty-two years (1906) the Qing court announced the preparation of constitutional reorganization of official activities. During the Civil War reform, Yuan Shikai advocated the “cabinet of responsibility,” but it was denied by the Qing court. The failure of Yuan Shikai had a profound impact on the subsequent political situation. One was that Yuan’s power was greatly reduced after the failure of the system reform, and the policy of “ The defeat won the sympathy of the constitutionalists and laid the foundation for the ”cooperation“ between the two countries. This article points three parts to elaborate on this issue. On July 6, Thirty-two years of Guangxu’s administration, he went on an inspection visit to Dai Hongci, a political minister. Quangzhaizu requested the revision of the national official system in order to make the constitutional preparation. The first section to reform the official system is ”should be slightly