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首先,完善的短杆击球的准备姿式是非常重要的。在这里给大家简短介绍短杆击球的基本姿式:球位要在双脚中心偏右,双手握杆往前,让两手位于球的左侧,同时重心的60%要在左腿,这样的准备姿式有助于干净利落地击球,同时要注意双手轻松握杆,不要用力紧握。(图片1.2)第二,短杆的起杆动作:打短杆起杆时弯曲右手腕,并旋转肩膀,同时带动手臂来控制球杆,当球杆顺着挥杆轨迹开始起杆时右手腕应稍微弯曲,这个弯曲动作有利于用双手带动杆头向下击球。 First of all, the perfect preparation for the short stroke is very important. Here for everyone a brief introduction to the basic attitude of short-stroke: the ball to the center of the right foot, hands grip forward, so that the hands on the left side of the ball, while 60% of the center of gravity in the left leg, so The preparation of the position helps to cleanly hit the ball, and pay attention to both hands easily grip, do not force grip. (Picture 1.2) Second, the starting action of the short rod: When the short rod starts bending the right wrist, and rotate the shoulder, while driving the arm to control the club, when the club along the swing trajectory start when the right arm Should be slightly curved, this bending action is conducive to using his hands down the club head hit the ball.
<正> 文化是人类创造的精神财富和物质财富。蛇文化是指人类社会中有关蛇的意识形态和蛇类的物质产品。我国蛇文化是十分丰富和绚丽多彩的。远古时侯,蛇无足而行,蛇能吞“象
<正> 下列几点是弧—沟体系岩浆作用的共同特征:(1)火山弧由两条分离的火山链构成;(2)火山弧的宽度与俯冲板片的倾角成反比(海沟和弧后火山链分别形成于下俯板片上部110km和180km
目的肝细胞生长因子(hepatocyte growth factor,HGF)是潜在的肺泡细胞促有丝分裂因子,可促进损伤肺泡细胞的修复。文中旨在研究HGF血清表达水平和阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综