本试验的目的是进一步观察M_7/洋白海棠与不同品种的亲和关系及其对产量的影响,为扩大示范推广提供依据。 本园于1977年春定植,行株距为4×2米,按成熟期早晚从西向东顺序排列。嫁接品种是早熟新品种甜黄魁、伏帅,品质优良的中熟品种红星、金帅和新引进晚熟品种富土等五个品种,每品种栽两行,共30株,南北设保护行。试验园全面贯彻综合技术,促使树体生长健壮,以期达到早结果、早丰产。定植后每年观察记载生长势、结果习性,并进行果实品质测定。
The purpose of this experiment is to further observe the affinity relationship between M_7 / Oxyveria cateractis and different varieties and its impact on the yield, and provide the basis for expanding demonstration and popularization. The park was planted in the spring of 1977, the line spacing of 4 × 2 meters, according to the maturity of the order from west to east. Graft varieties are early maturing varieties sweet yellow Quebec, Volts handsome, middle-maturing varieties of good quality Red Star, Marshall and the introduction of late-maturing varieties rich soil and other five varieties, planted two lines, a total of 30 plants, north and south protection line. Experimental Park fully implement the comprehensive technology to promote the robust growth of the tree, in order to achieve early results, early high yield. Observed each year after planting records the growth potential, the results of habit, and fruit quality determination.