万物生 寓自然 土乃母 水为源水充沛 土肥沃 国富强 民安乐水土跑 资源枯 皮不存 毛焉附施防治 塑乾坤 千秋业 荫子孙神州地 多侵蚀 流失比 近四十论危害 全球性 我中华 尤为重山滑坡 沟壑增 路受阻 坝淤平屋坍塌 土井掩 人外流 家搬迁泥沙泄 河床抬 洪泛区 受水害坡耕地 肥力退 土砂化 良田废盐碱地 有发展 荒漠化 在蔓延生态脆 灾害频 令民众 生活窘任发展 恶循环 毁祖业 断生源靠掠夺 违规律 属人为 多索取
Everything is born Natural soil Nostradamus is the source of water Full of fertile fertile countries Strong and safe and clean Soil and water Run resources Cortex does not exist Mao Yan Attachment Prevention and control Plastic universe Qianqiuye Yinshen Shenzhou more erosion loss Nearly forty On the global hazard I China is particularly heavy mountain landslide gully by road damping silt flat house collapsed soil cover people exodus home relocation of sediment discharge river bed flood floodplain affected by water sloping farmland fertility salvage sanding farmland saline land development desertification in the spread of ecological crises and disasters frequency of public life embarrassment Any development of vicious circle of ancestral ruin ancestral sources of loot unpredicted people is more than claim the law