蒙古国确实是一块资源宝地。作为仅次于哈萨克斯坦的世界第二大内陆国家,蒙古国国土内富含煤、金、铜、铁和铅锌等矿产资源。然而,由于其国民经济基础一直是畜牧业,历史上又曾长期实行计划经济,蒙古国的经济状况一度极端凋敝,不得不依靠国际货币基金组织援助。为改变这一状况,蒙古国政府确立了“矿业兴国”发展战略,逐渐成为目前世界上增长最快的经济体之一。2013年,蒙古以GDP 18.3%的增长率成为世界经济增长明星。丰富的资源改变了自己,也正吸
Mongolia is indeed a resource treasure. As the second largest landlocked country in the world after Kazakhstan, Mongolia is rich in mineral resources such as coal, gold, copper, iron and lead, zinc and other minerals. However, given that its national economy has always been a livestock husbandry and that it has historically implemented a planned economy, the economic situation in Mongolia was once extremely depressed and had to rely on the assistance of the International Monetary Fund. To change this situation, the Mongolian government has established a strategy of “rejuvenating the country by mining” and gradually becoming one of the fastest growing economies in the world. In 2013, Mongolia became the world’s economic growth star with an 18.3% GDP growth rate. Rich resources have changed themselves and are absorbing