连日来,地处新疆塔克拉玛干大沙漠西南边缘的农三师四十五团博塔依拉克镇已失去了往日的平静。人们在茶余饭后津津乐道的一个话题是:一起特大抢劫杀人案被农三师公安机关60小时侦破。犯罪嫌疑人被抓获。农三师公安机关破案神速,令人肃然起敬。有人编了一段顺口溜:三师公安真不错,惊天血案巧侦破,人民有了安全感,安居乐业没得说。案发凌晨 “嘟嘟嘟……”2003年4月24日凌晨6时许,农三师喀什垦区公安局博塔依拉克派出所的报警电话骤然
In recent days, the town of Botany Ilac, located in the southwestern margin of the Taklamakan Desert in Xinjiang Province, has lost the tranquility of the past. One of the topics people talked about after a mess was the huge robbery and murder case that was solved 60 hours by the public security organ of the three branches of agriculture. The suspect was captured. Third Division of Agriculture public security agencies promptly solved the case, it is awe-inspiring. Some people made a jingle: The three public security really good, shaking the blood case clever detection, people have a sense of security, live and work in peace did not have to say. In the early hours of the incident, “toot toot ... ...” At about 6 a.m. on April 24, 2003, the police station phone number of the Beit Yilake police station of the Agricultural Division Three Division Kashgar Reclamation Public Security Bureau suddenly