粮食质量安全监管办法征求意见 粮食带有农药残留将禁止销售

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本刊讯国家发展改革委、国家粮食局日前就《粮食质量安全监管办法(征求意见稿)》向社会公开征求意见。根据办法征求意见稿,我国拟实行粮食质量安全追溯制度和粮食召回制度。办法征求意见稿提出,实行粮食质量安全追溯制度。以库存粮食识别代码为载体,建立从收购、储存、运输、加工到销售的全程质量追溯制度,实现 The National Development and Reform Commission, State Food Administration recently on the “food quality and safety regulatory measures (Draft)” to the public for their comments. According to the draft of the draft for public opinion, China will implement the grain quality and safety retrospective system and the grain recall system. Measures to solicit the draft put forward the implementation of traceability system of food quality and safety. To inventory grain identification code as a carrier, from the acquisition, storage, transportation, processing to sales of the entire quality of traceability system, to achieve