Preparation and characterization of helical carbon/silica nanofibers with lamellar mesopores on the

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cairinga
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Helical 1,2-ethylene-silica nanofibers with lamellar mesopores on the surfaces and twisted rod-like mesopores inside were prepared according to literature procedures.After carbonization,helical carbon/silica nanofibers with lamellar mesopores on the surfaces and twisted rod-like micropores inside were obtained.The morphologies and pore architectures of the carbon/silica nanofibers were characterized using transmission electron microscopy,field-emission scanning electron microscopy,powder X-ray diffraction and N_2 sorptions.Although the mesopores inside shrank into micropores,the helical nanostructure remained.Moreover,several carbon/silica nanofibers with lamellar mesopores on the surfaces and concentric circular micropores inside were also obtained.After being calcined in air,helical silica nanofibers with lamellar mesopores on the surfaces and twisted rod-like micropores inside were produced as well. Helical 1,2-ethylene-silica nanofibers with lamellar mesopores on the surfaces and twisted rod-like mesopores inside were prepared according to literature procedures. After carbonization, helical carbon / silica nanofibers with lamellar mesopores on the surfaces and twisted rod-like micropores inside were obtained. The morphologies and pore architectures of the carbon / silica nanofibers were characterized using transmission electron microscopy, field-emission scanning electron microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction and N2 sorptions.Although the mesopores inside shrank into micropores, the helical nanostructure remained. Moreover, several carbon / silica nanofibers with lamellar mesopores on the surfaces and concentric circular micropores inside were also obtained. After being calcined in air, helical silica nanofibers with lamellar mesopores on the surfaces and twisted rod-like micropores inside were produced as well.
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