【摘 要】
On October 15, “2016 Dream Mirror · New World” sponsored by China Society of Art Photography opened at the China Millennium Monument. The exhibition lasted until 23rd. Yang Yuanxing, Chairman of China Society of Art Photography and Zhu Xianmin, Executive Chairman of China Society of Art Photography attended the opening ceremony and delivered wonderful speeches. As one of the major exhibitions of Beijing International Photography Week 2016, “2016 Dream Mirror New Territories” exhibition solicited more than 140 outstanding works from more than 140 photographers of the China Art Photography Society. The exhibition site is divided into five major exhibition themes: the members of the Bureau, the award-winning works of “Golden Road Award”, excellent group photos,
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The great significance and vita
一 我不擅长目送 因为大地不介意目送 二 等秋雨一来到 我就涂抹上细细的银丝 然后,一个人走向城市 三 等瓦墙褪了 在墙角下埋着的信笺也应黄了 四 安静的风 安静地浮游 因为它不想让我们知道 它其实很安静 五 一壶水中的秋天 没有别的颜色 只有透明 六 这里还有冬天留下的沙砾 以及夏天留下的冰 一切的一切,有棵树在见证着 七 看着大雁再一次搬家 原
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闵兆华家有过一只很怪的麻雀。这只麻雀跌在地上,折了一条腿(大概是小孩子拿弹弓打的),兆华的爱人捡了起来,给它上了一点消炎粉,用纱布裹巴裹巴,麻雀好了。好了,它就不走了。 兆华有一顶旧棉帽子,挂在墙上,就成了它的窝。棉帽子里朝外,晚上,它钻进去,兆华的爱人把帽子翻了过来,它就在帽里睡一夜。天亮了,棉帽子往外一翻,它就忒楞楞楞要出来了。 兆华家不给它预备鸟食。人吃什么它吃什么。吃饭的时候,
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