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“正义不仅要得到实现,而且要以人们看得见的方式得到实现。”这句流传久远的英国谚语,昭示了在追究犯罪、实现正义的刑事程序中,将犯罪分子绳之以法固然重要,但是追究犯罪的方式同样重要。刑讯逼供作为一种有违人权的取证方法,自正当程序革命和人权保障运动以来,一直为各国刑事法律所禁止。2012年《刑事诉讼法》也吸收了两个证据规定的相关规定,并明确规定了采用刑讯逼供等非法方法搜集证据的排除程序,包括程序的启动,法庭的审查,证明责任,法庭的处理等。这些具体规定有助于帮助法官统一裁判,实现法律的公平公正。本文将结合现行刑事诉讼法和两个证据规定来探讨两个问题:刑讯逼供的举证责任与以刑讯逼供为由的翻供审查判断问题。 “Justice must not only be realized, but it must be realized in a way that people can see.” This long-held English proverb states that in the criminal procedure of pursuing crimes and realizing justice, criminals are brought to justice While important, the ways in which crimes are committed are equally important. As a violation of human rights, evidence-gathering methods of torture have been prohibited by criminal laws of various countries since the due process revolution and the safeguard of human rights. The 2012 Code of Criminal Procedure also incorporates the relevant provisions of the two evidentiary provisions and clearly stipulates the procedures for the exclusion of evidence from illegal methods such as torture, including initiation of proceedings, court review, burden of proof, court proceedings, etc. . These specific provisions help to help judges unify their judiciary and realize the fairness and justice of the law. This article will combine the current Criminal Procedure Law and the two evidence provisions to explore two issues: the burden of proof of torture by torture and the torture review of judgments based on torture.
This thesis reports a research on L2 vocabulary development in ChineseEFL classroom settings. Based on post-testS of the leamers’receptive/Productive semantic
目的 :报告 5 6 9例脊柱侧凸患者矫形手术治疗的远期随访结果 ,比较不同术式的治疗效果。方法 :回顾分析1985年~ 2 0 0 0年收治的 5 6 9例脊柱侧凸患者的临床资料 ,总结各种术
目的:近年来食管胃结合部腺癌(Adenocarcinoma of esophagogastricjunction,AEG)的发病率呈逐渐上升趋势,以手术切除为主的综合治疗仍是目前主要治疗方式。对于SiewertⅡ/Ⅲ型AEG,